Monday, March 19, 2012

The woman says her problem right now is low energy. Osho asks her if she has ever meditated. Only three times, here, she replies...

Osho – Mm mm… it can be low, and with a low energy level you will miss many things in life, because many things start happening only when you are on a high energy level. It is as if you go on living in a valley: you cannot see many things. If you go up to the top of the hill there is a greater perspective: you can see many things.

But many people have decided to live at the low energy level for a certain reason. It is more secure, more comfortable, more convenient. The high energy level is dangerous: one is always boiling, exploding, there is insecurity with the high energy level. Yes, there is adventure but insecurity comes in the same package and one never knows what is going to happen. And everything is always in a chaos at the high energy level – beautiful but always in a chaos; nothing is ever settled.

At the low energy level things are settled – one has planned a life and settled; but this is missing life. And everybody has got the same energy quantity. Now it is up to us what to do – whether to bring it to a maximum, or to remain at the minimum. All my meditations are an effort to bring the energy level higher and higher so that one moment you explode. That explosion is felt almost as if one is going insane, and in a way it is insane.

The ordinary sane person will say that you have gone mad, but now you will find for the first time that life has a splendour and a great depth and joy. Dance will come to your feet and a song will come to your heart… but work will be needed. And this is my observation – that many women have settled on the low energy level. Down through the centuries man has forced them to never explode too much. Not even while making love are they allowed to explode, so what to say about other things?

Even while love-making they are supposed to lie down just like a dead body, a corpse. Only a bad woman makes movements while making love. A lady? never! So even love has not been allowed to women. Millions have never known what orgasm is. They just remain at the low energy level – man has forced it on them. It is good for man because a low energy level person remains a slave: she is always obedient, she follows your dictates. A high energy level is rebellious, is disobedient, can be disobedient at least.

So we have cut women from the roots. To make mothers, wives of them, we have taken away all wild joy. Naturally it has affected man too: when the woman is not very happy, not madly happy, the man cannot be happy either. We are bound together, so the man also starts dragging. That’s how the humanity has been dragging.

But you can bring that energy level up high. Next time come and be here for a longer time. It can explode, but you will have to take the risk! And that’s what my fear is – that you don’t want to take any risk, but without risk there is nothing in life. Then it is almost as if we have died already. With risk the door opens. And I can see that the energy is there but you are sitting on top of it.

“This Is It”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Project Re: Brief - Introduction : Advertising Re-Imagined

In 2011, Google partnered with four global brands in an advertising experiment. The goal was simple - how can the ideas that defined the advertising industry in its infancy, inspire a whole new generation of creatives and marketers? We re-imagined and remade their most iconic ad campaigns from the 1960's and 1970's with today's technology, led by the creative legends who made these campaigns.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kony 2012 - Arrest Kony

Who is Joseph Kony?

Joseph Kony is the world’s worst war criminal. In 1987 he took over leadership of an existing rebel group and renamed it the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).
The LRA has earned a reputation for its cruel and brutal tactics. When Joseph Kony found himself running out of fighters, he started abducting children to be soldiers in his army or “wives” for his officers. The LRA is encouraged to rape, mutilate, and kill civilians–often with blunt weapons.
The LRA is no longer active in northern Uganda (where it originated) but it continues its campaign of violence in Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan. In its 26-year history, the LRA has abducted more than 30,000 children and displaced at least 2.1 million people.

What is the goal of KONY 2012?

Invisible Children has been working for 9 years to end Africa’s longest-running armed conflict. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission to stop Kony and disarm the LRA. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone.

We are taking action to ensure these two things:

1) That Joseph Kony is known as the World’s Worst War Criminal.
2) That the U.S. military advisers support the Ugandan Army until Kony has been captured and the LRA has been completely disarmed. They need to follow through all the way and finish what they have started.

Why are we making Joseph Kony "famous"?

Invisible Children’s KONY 2012 campaign aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. In this case, notoriety translates to public support. If people know about the crimes that Kony has been committing for 26 years, they will unite to stop him.
Secondly, we want Kony to be famous so that when he is stopped, he will be a visible, concrete example of international justice. Then other war criminals will know that their mass atrocities will not go unnoticed or unpunished.


General questions:

Media inquiries:
For more information about Invisible Children, visit our main website:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Skoda Rapid Song - Dekho Aaya Mera Yaar - Download Ringtone

The New Commercial of Skoda Rapid has a Amazing Jingle Sung by King RAJA HASAN Dekho Aya Mera Yaar. This song is excellent and we will soon see a full song for the same produced by RajaHasan himself as he has promised on his blog. Till Then Here is a Ringtone for your use.

I Have three version of the song as ringtones choose which ever you want. Download from the link below

Dekho Mera Yaar Version 3 (My Fav)